Sandra Bullock (CRASH, MISS CONGENIALITY) stars as a housewife troubled by a tragic premonition in Mennan Yapos thriller. Linda Hanson's life revolves around her beloved daughters (Shyann McClure and Courtney Taylor Burness) and her husband, Jim (Julian McMahon, CHARMED). The familiar, picture-perfect terrain of her existence is abruptly shattered when she is informed that Jim has died in a gruesome car accident, and Linda spends the rest of the day in shock. Director Mennan Yapo Star Shyann McClure, Courtney Taylor Burness, Marc Macaulay, Irene Ziegler, Jude Ciccolella, Sandra Bullock, Special Features: Widescreen - 2.40 Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 - English, French Subtitles - English, French, Spanish Additional Release Material: Alternate Scenes - Ending Audio Commentary - Mennan Yapo _ Director; Sandra Bullock Deleted Scenes with Optional Director's Commentary Featurettes - 1. Glimpses of the Future Making PREMONITION 2. Bringing Order to Chaos 3. Real Premonitions Gag Reel Runtime: 96 minutes Year of Release: 2007.